Monday, April 2, 2012

Oregon Sage Rat Hunting Tips

 Sage Rat season is here!!! The Spring weather is finally showing us few nice days and we are being rewarded with a target rich environment this year.

As Kids most of us can remember heading out to the desert with our Families to try out our first pellet gun or .22.  We had finally graduated from pop cans and paper to actual moving targets.

Now that we are adults, helping our local farmers out with varmit control still brings the same joy that we found in our youth.

Today though, the days of leaning on a wheel line or fence post with open sights are behind us. The technology that is available to us today makes us much more effective at controlling the population out there.

Being an Outfitter I have had the opportunity to view many different styles of shooting in past 5 years. I've learned a lot about the sport and just wanted to share a few things that will make your next Sage Rat Shoot much more enjoyable.    

1. A .17 caliber  is the new .22 If you haven't tried one yet go get one!! :-)

2. Don't go cheap on optics for your guns!! A good scope makes all the difference when trying to shoot a target that is the size of a tennis ball.

3. Try to get elevated! If you don't have a platform in the back of a truck.  Or you just can't drive in a field because the land owner doesn't want you to.  The next best thing is a standing shooting stick.  The few feet you gain, opens up so many more targets.

 4.  Take a good lunch and lots of water!!
Staying well fed and hydrated will help looking through a scope all day long.

5. Find an area that doesn't poison there fields. Or an area that hasn't been plowed for a few years.

6. Going with an outfitter takes out all the leg work that is takes to find the ideal place, ideal gear, providing a great lunch and will try they will do their best to make sure that the limited time you have off from work will be as productive and fun as possible!!

 I hope you all have great shooting this season.  Remember, don't wait till the grass is to tall to see, the time is now!! Have Fun!!!


1 comment:

  1. It’s the 1st pod in a series we are doing on the air head actress Jenny McCarthy and her fallacious views on autism. duck and goose
