Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Owyhee River, Browns

Just a quick stop by the Owyhee river this weekend turned out to be very productive for my fishing partner (my wonderful wife) and I.  Here are just a few pics for everyone to enjoy!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Smart Dog, New Hunter

       This morning started with a  good friend Duane, wanting to bring up a new hunter and teach him how to pheasant hunt.  Also to work his dog Brit who doesn't get out as much as she should.  Brit was ready to go as soon as she jumped out of the truck as usual, so we hurried off in search of the first rooster.
        Right away Brit showed us that she still new exactly what she doing with solid point and flush. John our new hunter was spot on with a great shot, folding the bird sending it crashing into the open water. With no hesitation Brit plunged into the cold water bringing back the prize.
        We continued on with our hunt to find Brit locked up right around edge of the lake again with in minutes.  As we approached, the rooster made a short run out on the ice that had formed the night before flushing at the waters edge.  Once again Brit was rewarded by another great shot by John.
         This time Brit just stood at the edge of the thin ice and stared at the downed bird.  She looked at it then back at us almost saying "No way! You go get it this time. That water was way to cold last time." Duane went to throwing rocks out near the bird to try and convince Brit to make the retrieve.  After ten minutes of this, he said "well, she hasn't hunted in a year. Maybe if we come back after getting a few more she'll swim out and get it." I agreed with him and we continued on.
           Brit rewarded us with three more great point, flush and retrieve scenarios but all over dry land.  On the walk back we spent another twenty minutes trying to convince Brit to retrieve our second bird that was still out at the edge of the ice and open water.  We tried every trick we could think of, from rock throwing, treat tossing to even shooting the water out past the bird.  Brit just still gave us the look of "No Way I learned my lesson the  first time. That water is way to cold."

       Duane finally turned to John "well looks like your getting wet! Welcome to bird hunting. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do." Before I could even suggest going and trying one of my dogs or crabbing the long poll with a hook on it I have, jimmy rigged for such occasions. John had his shoes off and was wast deep in the water. He wasn't going to let one of his first birds ever get away from him I suppose. Come to think of it more than one of us have been there too.

Brit just sat there with a smile in her face knowing that she won.

Friday, February 24, 2012

It's All About The Take

Guiding has taught me to enjoy the little moments in a day at the office. It's not always about when a client gets to take home a full limit of birds or is able to land multiple giant rainbows on dries. Although those days feel really damn good too!!!

 I came to the realization a long time ago that "It's All About The Take!"  As a guide, not being the one with gun or rod in hand, I get to enjoy "The Take" in many different forms.  There are so many of these moments that I can't list them all.  Here are three of my favorites...
 "The Take" that stands out in fly fishing is when I watch that giant fish almost eat a clients fly, and they have no idea. I find it the best when I get the look like I'm crazy after I jumped up and down like a little kid and said "Holy crap did you see that fish! He almost ate it!!"

"The Take" in upland hunting is when I get to see the look in the eyes of a pointer that is sure that a bird is there. If they could talk they would say "Shhh!!! It's right there!" or "Hurry up. I've done my part."  It could be one of my dogs or a client's dog, it doesn't matter. However, almost every trip, a dog and I get to share a brief moment both knowing that we have done our job. As we go in together to flush a bird knowing that the fate will be left up to someone else.  Sometimes the dog gets rewarded with a retrieve and I get rewarded with high fives but no matter what we both get rewarded because we got to do what we love.

Some day's it's about watching the joy of someone new to the sports, young or old, have that moment where everything clicks. The best is when they say to themselves, not thinking that anyone is paying attention, "That was Awesome!!" When this happens I feel really good inside to know that I was part of introducing them to a life time of great adventures.

I'm positive that if we all take the time to look in our daily lives we will find the little "Takes" all over!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Chironomid Fishing!!

Most of us have heard about Chironomid fishing or the term "Chirono bobbin" from a fellow fly fisherman, or over heard the buzz in the local fly shop. So what is every body so worked up about?

Well here are just a few things I've learned about chironomids.

1. They exist all over the world!
2. They are found in any aquatic environment.
3. They hatch from ice off to ice on.
4. A trout relies on them for a at least 50% (maybe more) of their diet year round.

With these four things in mind this why I fish them.

When a chironomid is ready to head for the surface it wriggles its way out of the mud and makes its journey to the surface very slowly becoming an easy target. It will rest many times before it reaches surface. This is why we "Chirono Bob". Putting on an indicator and suspending your fly is the best way to imitate this process.
Big trout are lazy!! They spend their day slowly swimming around slurping up this easy and abundant food source.
Once they reach the surface they are still an easy target. This is the time when the lake is like glass and most of us can get so frustrated trying to figure out what that those trout are lazily sipping on. Take the indicator off, put on a non bead head or hatching midge pattern and try your best to get that fly a few feet in front of the feeding fish.
Finally, when they are an adult they are not much of a target for the trout. But don't rule it out!

There are many different sizes and color variations that you should carry in your box. This is due to many factors, water clarity, oxygen levels, temp, and makeup of the lake your fishing.

Needless to say I have a whole box devoted to just chironomid patterns for a reason!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ana River, Summer Lake Oregon

A few years ago if someone told me to break out the trout rod, tie on a dry fly and blow up the tube, we're going TROUT fishing in FEBRUARY, I would have told them their NUTS!!!
 Come to find out it can pretty good way to get a trout fix!

There are a few pieces to the puzzle when finding a way to get that fix in the middle of winter, 
   First, you need to find a tail water or spring creek that the water temps/flows aren't heavily effected by the harsh elements of winter.  Many of these waters exist where bugs and trout still go about there daily lives even though the rest of us try to hide in side by the fire.
Second, do a little research before you go. Find out what bugs will be there so that you'll be prepared to capitalize on the moments that will come. A Few staples in winter will always be BWO'S, MIDGES and STREAMER PATTERNS. Have these in your box but there could be something else so look it up, the Internet is an amazing fishing tool.

 Third, you need to come the truth that there is no such thing as bad weather just bad gear! The gear now days is worth buying because it opens the door to let us get out and enjoy what god created for us.

Fourth, find some friends that are just as CRAZY as you are! 
When you tell the story of that one (or more) fish that schooled you it's nice to have someone else as a witness :-)



Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Winter time tying

It gets dark way to early this time of year and I turn to the tying table. Tying is a great way to stay warm inside, fill the boxes and still keep my mind focused on what I love (fishing). It is amazing how tying a few flies amps me up for a great float this weekend down the Ana River in hopes to hit the incredible blue wing olive hatch! Stay tuned for the fishing report.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Early Season Sage Rats

Every year we all wait till the warm weather hits so we can get outside. If you pay attention you'll notice that every February- March there is a warm spell that gives us the false hope that Spring is here.  Some people get fooled into planting the garden to early, jumping on yard work, or to put their shorts on too early.  The true secret to this false sense of hope is that the sage rats get fooled into waking up from there cozy winter slumber. Once they are awaken from hibernation they are out and about for the eye to see until true spring comes and the grass grows to hide them once again. In March the snow comes again and the gardens get frost bit, the yard work gets put on hold and the winter clothes get put back on. For the sage rat finding food is still an everyday adventure. This is one of my favorite times to bundle up, break out the .17 and enjoy some of the best shooting of the year! At least once a day a sage rat needs to peer from its underground home to find food and water or maybe its just a need to see what is going on out in the world with there buddies. It may be short lived for the day but either way when the snow is on the ground the little round dark fur balls make for some great targets to warm the barrels on.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sportsman Shows

Day in and day out we sit and stare at the people go by. We answer the same questions over and over. Where is Summer Lake, are those wild birds, what's a sage rat? And have to listen to the same statements again and again. "I only hunt wild birds", "That's in the middle of no where", "I used to hunt there". "I don't know how to fly fish" bla bla bla. We pay to be here yet can't wait to be done ( what a funny concept). The hidden joys of being a guide :-)

Monday, February 6, 2012

The 2012 season  is already under way!! I am going to take this year to enjoy and share my experience through pictures, movies and stories.  I hope to share new and old ideas and hopefully learn something along the way