Friday, February 24, 2012

It's All About The Take

Guiding has taught me to enjoy the little moments in a day at the office. It's not always about when a client gets to take home a full limit of birds or is able to land multiple giant rainbows on dries. Although those days feel really damn good too!!!

 I came to the realization a long time ago that "It's All About The Take!"  As a guide, not being the one with gun or rod in hand, I get to enjoy "The Take" in many different forms.  There are so many of these moments that I can't list them all.  Here are three of my favorites...
 "The Take" that stands out in fly fishing is when I watch that giant fish almost eat a clients fly, and they have no idea. I find it the best when I get the look like I'm crazy after I jumped up and down like a little kid and said "Holy crap did you see that fish! He almost ate it!!"

"The Take" in upland hunting is when I get to see the look in the eyes of a pointer that is sure that a bird is there. If they could talk they would say "Shhh!!! It's right there!" or "Hurry up. I've done my part."  It could be one of my dogs or a client's dog, it doesn't matter. However, almost every trip, a dog and I get to share a brief moment both knowing that we have done our job. As we go in together to flush a bird knowing that the fate will be left up to someone else.  Sometimes the dog gets rewarded with a retrieve and I get rewarded with high fives but no matter what we both get rewarded because we got to do what we love.

Some day's it's about watching the joy of someone new to the sports, young or old, have that moment where everything clicks. The best is when they say to themselves, not thinking that anyone is paying attention, "That was Awesome!!" When this happens I feel really good inside to know that I was part of introducing them to a life time of great adventures.

I'm positive that if we all take the time to look in our daily lives we will find the little "Takes" all over!

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