Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Early Season Sage Rats

Every year we all wait till the warm weather hits so we can get outside. If you pay attention you'll notice that every February- March there is a warm spell that gives us the false hope that Spring is here.  Some people get fooled into planting the garden to early, jumping on yard work, or to put their shorts on too early.  The true secret to this false sense of hope is that the sage rats get fooled into waking up from there cozy winter slumber. Once they are awaken from hibernation they are out and about for the eye to see until true spring comes and the grass grows to hide them once again. In March the snow comes again and the gardens get frost bit, the yard work gets put on hold and the winter clothes get put back on. For the sage rat finding food is still an everyday adventure. This is one of my favorite times to bundle up, break out the .17 and enjoy some of the best shooting of the year! At least once a day a sage rat needs to peer from its underground home to find food and water or maybe its just a need to see what is going on out in the world with there buddies. It may be short lived for the day but either way when the snow is on the ground the little round dark fur balls make for some great targets to warm the barrels on.

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